The History

Why making Bento ?

In a dark age where not a lot of software were able to control LED props, we decided to take our shot at making a software dedicated to LED based creation.

As BenTo has been designed especially for juggling props, this required an extra attention to the fact the props are moving on stage, potentially dropped or swapped.

In this spirit, Bento was designed to explore as many ways to create for different situations as possible, in a procedural way.

In this journey, many generations of props have been made to work especially with this software, and we created the firmware that matches the spirit and possibilities : Bentuino

Why this name ?

BenTo comes from the names of the “BenTo” digital art collective founders Ben and Antoine (To). Giving the name to this software is a tribute to the creators of what would become later the Creators clubs.

The Philosophy

What exactly is BenTo ?

BenTo is both a software dedicated to LED based props and a firmware that opens a lot of possibilities to interact both in a realtime, live way and/or preprogrammed.

Why and when should i use it ?

Whenever you want to control juggling props or any Artnet or ESP32 based object that has leds and/or sensors.