You can upload a timeline/sequence onto the SD card of the prop. This has the following advantages over the usual live streaming of colors:
Make sure you give your timeline a name. This is the name that will be used to save the sequence on the SD card. You can change the name of your timeline by clicking on the timeline light block in the block panel. This will show the properties of the timeline in the inspector. Then double-click on the label just below "Inspector" and enter the name.
Editing the name of a timeline in the Inspector panel
Editing the name of a timeline in the Inspector panel
Make sure to assign the timeline light block to all the props you want to bake/upload the sequence to. You can do that from the timeline parameters in the inspector and pressing the "Assign To All" button.
Now you can use the "Bake to props" button from the inspector when having the timeline light block selected. Or use the "Bake all" button in the props panel. You will see the progress of the baking (creating the upload data) in orange and upload in green as an overlay on the props in the props panel. You will also see a visual progress indication on the physical prop.
You can check the Logger panel for debug information of the baking process.
Uploading progress on the prop
Uploading progress on the prop
Select the prop inside of the prop panels. The inspector will show its properties. In the container called "Bake and Upload" you will find a detailed controls for the baking process.
"Bake and Upload" container of a prop in the Inspector panel
"Bake and Upload" container of a prop in the Inspector panel
By default, the fps of the timeline is used as the bake frequency. If you want to use a higher frequency you can manually set the bake frequency here.
You can control playback of baked sequences from the UI of Bento or through the OSC and Serial Bentuino API.