Through out this documentation and the Bento software we will be using a lot of terms, let's make sure you know what we are talking about!
Term | Description |
Prop | A representation of a physical light object. |
Global ID | A numeric ID to uniquely identify a Prop in the Props list. |
Light Block | A light effect that can be displayed on a Prop. Different types of Light Block include Patterns, Sequences, Nodes, Pictures, Streaming Script and Embedded Script. |
Pattern | A Light Block for basic light effects like Rainbow, Noise, etc. |
Node | A Light Block that can be used to combine, remap or composite several Light Blocks into a new one. |
Sequence | A Light Block to arrange multiple Light Block on a timeline. |
Layer | A Layer in a Sequence can be used to organize several Light Blocks over the course of time. |
Blend Mode | A Blend Mode defines how two or more layers are combined to create the final output colors. |
Streaming Mode | In Streaming Mode the colors of the assigned Light Block are streamed in real-time to the Prop. |
Playback Mode | In Playback Mode an uploaded Sequence can be played on the physical Prop. |
ID Mode | Props can be arranged in Cluster Groups. Each Cluster Group can be assigned a specific color. When ID Mode is activated, these colors are displayed at the top of the Prop. The lower part of the Prop will display a color and size depending on the local Cluster ID. |
Streaming Script | A Light Block that generated colors based the content of a JavaScript file. |
Embedded Script | A TypeScript file is complied into WebAssembly bytecode and then uploaded to the physical prop. It can then be played/activated on the physical prop. As it is executed on the physical prop it can use fast update rates and low-latency color effects using the Motion/IMU sensor data. |
Inspector | A panel where you can edit Parameters of the selected UI item. |
Parameter | A UI element that can be used to change a value. |
Logger | A panel where all kinds of information, warnings, or errors are displayed. |
Firmware | The software running on the physical light prop. |