This module allows to communicate with a TCP server
Protocol : This is a way to easily parse incoming messages depending on the protocol you chose.
Auto Add : This will automatically add values when data is received. Keep it checked if you want to always convert the received data to values, otherwise if you want to only receive some data, uncheck it when you don't wan't to automatically add more values anymore
Message structure : This decides how every message should be parsed. It depends on the protocol you chose.
First value is the name : If checked, messages will be expected in the format of 2 arguments : the first one is the name and the second one is the actual value.
Output : This contains the parameters to connect to the server. When connected, a random port is automatically created to receive data as well.
Pass-through : This section allows you to directly transfer the incoming data to other Streaming modules, i.e. Serial, UDP, TCP Client, TCP Server, Websocket Client and Websocket Server. This allow for fast, optimized data transfer through modules, even for data that are not handled by Chataigne.
<aside> 💡 If you want to test receiving and sending TCP packets, I recommend **PacketSender,** which is a great free and cross-platform packet testing utility !